Welcome to the Weekend Roundup here at funnygifts.ca, where we’re bringing you the best of the best in funny gifts from the week!
Get ready to rock with our top three hilarious guitar shirts of the week! There’s something irresistibly funny about animals jamming out on guitars, and these tees capture that humor perfectly. Whether you’re a music lover or just appreciate a good laugh, these shirts are sure to strike a chord with you.

Meow’s the time to indulge in some feline fun with our pun-tastic cat gifts! From “The Catfather” to “Cat Wars” these clever twists on classic movies and TV shows are guaranteed to bring a smile to your face. Whether you’re a cat enthusiast or simply appreciate a good play on words, these gifts are a must-have for any cat lover.

Rise and shine with our retro-inspired coffee gifts that are brewing up some serious laughs! These shirts are the perfect blend of humor and style, making them a great choice for anyone who loves a good cup of joe. We love these shirts for their sassy humor, plus retro appeal.