Whiskers Wednesday: the missing food

You know Whiskers, right? The cat who thinks he owns the place? Well, Hooman Daddy committed the ultimate sin last night – he forgot to buy cat food. Can you believe it? Whiskers was beside himself, pacing around like a drama queen and meowing up a storm. He even tried the old guilt-trip routine, giving them those big, sad eyes. But nope, Hooman Daddy was completely oblivious, going about was business like nothing was wrong. Whiskers, in a desperate bid for food, decides to stage a kitchen raid. Picture this – a huge, fluffy cat sneaking around like a ninja, trying to open cupboards and failing miserably. It was like something out of a spy movie, except with more meowing and less espionage. Don’t worry, no Whiskers were harmed and the story has a happy ending. Hooman Daddy got the hint and rushed out for food to save the day (and stop the cat-ninja offensive).

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